Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nap Time???

Since Eli hasn't been feeling well he hasn't been able to go to sleep on his own. I think since he is so congested it is hard for him to breathe while laying down. So I have been rocking him to sleep, which I don't mind at all. Well today I thought Eli was feeling a little better so I tried laying him down for his morning nap. He fussed for a little bit and talked for a little bit and then he was quiet. He had been quiet for quite a few minutes so I went upstairs to check on my angel. This is what I found:

He heard the camera and turned around with the biggest smile on his face.

He then went back to playing with the aquarium.

I love this little boy so much!!! Needless to say after he saw his Mama nap time was over. I guess no morning nap today. Oh well this little angel slept in until 8:00 this morning.


Irene said... stinkin' cute! Love the pics!

Jenni said...

Thanks Renie!!

Do you have a blog?????? If so I want to be added to the list to see it!!!!

I miss you and hope to see you soon!!!

Beth said...

Love it! Hey, we bought a vaporizer at walgreens for $16. It helped SO much when she had a stuffy nose. Now I keep it going b/c she has really dry skin. She slept so much better once I got one. I think it's a vicks one.

Jenni said...

How is the vaporizer? I have wanted to get one, but Mike thinks it will ruin the walls and furniture? Does it get everything wet?

Beth said...

No, I don't think it gets anything wet. The first night was a little humid in there but now it is not a problem.