Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Good Night Sleep

So Eli still isn't sleeping through the night consistently. I thought that it was getting better until about a week ago. Then Eli started waking up everynight. Then he started waking up twice everynight and then he started waking up twice everynight and wanting to eat both times. It got to the point where I could hear his stomach growling. So I thought that it wasn't just normal night wakings. So I decided to give Eli more baby food during the day. I was doing 2 #1 jars for lunch and a #1 jar and a #2 jar of baby food for dinner. His pediatrician said that was fine because he would get what he needed from nursing. So on Thursday I gave Eli a #1 jar and a #2 jar of baby food for lunch and 2 #2 jars of baby food for dinner. Thrusday night Eli only woke up once and wanted to eat, but he only ate for a minute or two before falling back asleep. Since he did so much better I decided to keep it up on Friday. Eli didn't nap very well on Friday and was very tired. He ate his food really well (he always does) :-). When I went to nurse him at 7:00 he fell asleep within the first 5 minutes (he usually eats for at least 20 minutes). I held him for a few minutes thinking that he would wake back up and want to eat, he didn't. I laid him in bed thinking that he would wake up when I laid him down, he didn't. This was at 7:30. I went downstairs and watched some TV just waiting for Eli to wake up and want to eat. Finally at 10:30 I decided that I was tired and wanted to go to bed. I was sure that Eli would be waking up soon to eat since he didn't finish his last feeding. Boy was I wrong. Eli slept straight through the night. It was 7:30 AM before he woke up. He slept for over 12 hours!!! :-) It was so great and I only woke up once at 5:00 thinking that he was going to wake up. I got such a great night of sleep. I am definately going to continue feeding him more baby food and hope that this trend continues.

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