Monday, November 10, 2008

Christmas Came Early!!!

Mike and I have been doing a lot of looking for Eli's Christmas. We have been looking online and in stores. We have actually almost finished his Christmas. There were a few things that we didn't agree on. Mainly there was a little toy that I wanted to get for Eli that Mike didn't think he would like. Since we couldn't agree we decided not to get it for him. Well yesterday we went over to Mike's parents to watch the Colts game. We walked inside and I saw that they had the toy. I said "oh look Mike, your parents have the toy" and Mike's mom said "No that is for you guys." I couldn't believe it. It had belonged to the little girl that Beth has been a nanny for for years and she didn't use it anymore. I was so excited. It looks brand new and all the parts still work great! Best of all is that Eli LOVES it!! It is perfect for him to stand next to and play.

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