Saturday, October 25, 2008

Katie's Baby Shower

Today we (me, Tracy, Jackie, and my mom) threw Katie a baby shower here at my house. It was a blast. We had a great turn out. Not too many people RSVPed so I wasn't sure how many people to expect. We decided to play a couple games that we hadn't played at any of our family baby showers. For the first game we had the guests guess how big they thought Katie's belly was with a piece of yarn (this isn't mean because Katie has such a small baby belly, not fair!). My Aunt Michele won this game and she guessed the perfect amount! The secong game had babies in ice cubes and the first person that got their baby out had to yell "My Water Broke" and they won. It was very funny. Tracy also made a super cute calendar for everyone to guess the day that Sunjay will be born. I picked November 11th and I think it is a winner, especially since I was successfully able to guess the day Maya was born!!!
The Measure Belly Game

Katie and her Cake

I can't wait to meet baby Sunjay, less than 5 weeks til Katie's due date!!!


Beth said...

That sounds fun - and what a beautiful cake!!

Becky said...

awesome name!