Monday, October 13, 2008


After almost 3 months of tummy troubles and sleepless nights Eli finally slept through the night on Friday and then again last night. Yay, hopefully this will become the trend. Unfortunately I didn't sleep well. I woke up quite a few times wondering when Eli was going to wake up and on top of that I didn't feel well so I was tossing and turning all night. Oh well at least my baby is sleeping well.

This past week we also started Eli on Stage 2 foods. We started with chicken and broccolli and he liked that. We then tried Mac and cheese and he sure didn't like that. The Mac and cheese is so thick so I think it was just such a surprise for him. I would give hime a bite and he would gag (fake of course) and spit it out. It was pretty funny. We will wait a little while and then try it again.

My favorite new thing that Eli does is try to crawl in to my lap. It is so cute. If I am sitting close enough to him when he is playing on the floor he will try to crawl in to my lap. He ends up just throwing himself face first onto my lap but then I pick him up and he gets what he wanted. :) After I pick him up he still wants to play, just while he is sitting on my lap. Such a smart boy we have.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Woohoo Eli!!! And I'm glad you are feeling better!