Thursday, June 17, 2010


We have been having so much fun playing lately! It is so neat to see what the boys are into. Eli is such a boy! He loves all sports and he wants to play whatever we happen to be watching. Basketball is his absolute favorite and he is always asking to go downstairs and shoot baskets, but this week he has gotten into playing soccer (after we had the World Cup on TV for maybe 2 minutes). Mike got an empty diaper box and set it up and Eli had a blast playing soccer. His little face just lights up when he is playing any type of sport. It is so exciting just to watch him. It makes me wonder what he will want to play as he gets older. Right now he likes everything so I want to keep his options open. That means if he wants to play soccer he can!!!! :-)

Playing Soccer

Kicking a goal

It has also been a lot of fun watching Jude play these last few days. Now that he is crawling he is able to play with whatever he wants instead of what I give him. Now we know what Bubba Jude likes to play with, cars and trucks! He sits and holds onto the vehicle and rolls it back and forth with the biggest smile on his face, it is so adorable! He also pulled himself to standing for the first time yesterday. He crawled over to our ABC train and pulled himself up! I wasn't able to get a picture and he only did it the one time so we will see when he does it again.

Jude playing with his favorite truck

This is what he pulled up to

1 comment:

Beth said...

Bud is like that with sports too - I can tell already. He LOVES balls and throws them over and over. He was kicking a ball today too.

Go Jude! He's growing up so fast!