My little boy is no longer sleeping through the night. For the past week or so he has gotten up at least once every night. Sunday night he was up 2 different times throughout the night for 1/2 hour each and then up for good at 5:30 AM. Did I mention this is Eli, not Jude! We really aren't sure what is causing this. He has always had a few nights here and there when he would wake up crying and not go back to sleep, but it has gotten progressively worse and now it is every night. We have tried letting him cry himself back to sleep but he ends up screaming in a panic. He doesn't have a fever and he is fine throughout the day so I don't think it is his teeth or an ear infection. I guess I am just hoping it is just a phase and it gets better. Both boys go to the Dr next week for check ups, so if it isn't better by then I will ask for some advice.
This is what happens at 9:00 AM after a rough night
Even though we have had some rough nights we still manage to have lots of fun around here. On Sunday we had fun watching the superbowl together. We were disappointed that the Colts lost, but we were happy the fellow Purdue Alumni Drew Brees won! We also got to try out Jude's new bath seat since he is starting to sit up better. I still don't think he is quite ready for it, but once he is it will make bath time so much easier.
During the Superbowl
Jude is doing really well sitting up
Jude likes his new bath seat
Scrub-a-dub-dub, 2 boys in a tub!