Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Relieved and a Little Overwhlemed

We found out last night that we have somebody to rent our house. That is a huge relief!!! The only down fall is that they need the house on the 25th of July. So we have 2 1/2 weeks to pack our entire house and be out. Now we need to find a place to live in Iowa so we can move our stuff in but come back and stay with family until the baby is born. That is the overwhelming part. Mike is going to Iowa this weekend to look for a place for us to rent. We are looking at houses and condos to see what will work the best for us. Hopefully he will be able to find a place and get that taken care of. Then all we would need to worry about is when this baby will come!!!!

Please say a little prayer for us that the next few months go smoothly and with as little stress as possible.


Irene said...

I'll be praying for all to go smoothly! Let me know if you need anything!!

The Cochran Crew said...

Praying everything goes smoothly! You have such a precious family!! Thanks for entering the contest and following!