Friday, July 17, 2009


I think it is so cute when kids come up with their own nicknames for things. For instance my niece Lily used to call her blanket a ninny. I really love listening to what Eli calls things. I know not all are nicknames and some are just the way he pronounces them, like Dinosaur is nino. But I have noticed that Eli now has a nickname for his blanket. He used to say bwankie and I thought that was adorable. Unfortunately I am not so found of his nickname for his blankie. He has been calling it butta and occasionally he will leave off the a and call it his 'butt'. He walks around hugging and and saying butt. I personally like bwankie better but he seems to want to call it his butta. Oh the things that little ones say!!!! Have I mentioned that I love this little boy!!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

You know Madeleine calls her blanket Silky which used to sound like "Sickie" haha!