Saturday, November 13, 2010

Such a Big Boy!

Eli is still doing pretty well with potty training. My cousin gave us a bunch of leftover pull ups she had so I decided to give them a try. I explained to Eli that they were for big boys who were learning to go on the potty and that we had to try really hard to keep them dry. He thought they were pretty cool, and I think it may have helped that they had Buzz and Woody on them! Each morning he has to try and go potty before he can put a pull up on. Some mornings it takes a little longer to get him to try and their has been a couple days that he hasn't wanted to try in the morning at all. If he goes he gets his sticker and marshmallows and then we set the timer for 1 hour. If he doesn't go we set the timer for 15 minutes and then we try again when the timer goes off. He has been doing really well with this. He really likes listening for the timer and he gets excited when it goes off and he runs over to his potty. It is still me reminding him to go but this is definitely progress. Yesterday was the only day that he refused to try all day so today while we were at Meijer I let him pick out some new stickers to use for his potty chart. That did it. He went potty 5 times today! I am so proud of him!

We are still really working on going poop in the potty. It is pretty obvious when he has to go, but the majority of the time he refuses to go on the potty. We try bargaining with him and offering him different rewards to get him to go on the potty but most of the time nothing will work. Tonight while we were at church we could tell that Eli had to go. We asked him if he wanted to go sit on the big potty and he said no. I offered to take some books or toys with us and he said no. Finally we told him we could stop at Meijer on the way home and pick up this little Reindeer that he has been looking at for a few weeks. He finally said he wanted to go try. He sat on the potty and he instantly went poop IN THE BIG POTTY AT CHURCH! I was so proud of him! This is the first time he has gone on a any potty besides his little potty seat. We don't plan on rewarding him like this all the time but I am really hoping that since he has gone on an actual toilet now he won't be afraid to later on.
Eli with his reindeer friend
Eli with his potty chart on November 2ndEli with his potty chart tonight
He is doing such a great job!!!

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