Saturday, November 6, 2010

Making Progress (Hopefully)

Potty training is NOT easy!!! We have been letting Eli take the lead and it is going slowly. I ask him all the time if he wants to try and go and the majority of the time his answer would be no. If he would want to try he would sit on his potty for up to 45 minutes sometimes before he would go or want to get off. On average he was going in the potty 1-2 times a week. We were offering rewards if he would go on the potty. He would get to put a sticker on the sticker chart and then pick a prize out of the prize box. (We got a box of a bunch of little toys from McDonald's or burger king off of EBay for like $3) Finally this week something has changed and we seem to be moving forward a little. On Tuesday for the first time Eli went on his potty twice in one day! I was so proud of him but wasn't thinking it was really anything. Then on Wednesday he went potty 4 times and he even pooped once on his potty!! I couldn't believe it! He was pretty excited about it too. Thursday he went twice again and on Friday he didn't go at all but he has already gone twice today. I can see that it is going to be more difficult on the days when I am watching the 2 year old because he is too busy playing, but I am just thrilled that we finally seem to be moving forward. It is still mostly me asking him to go rather than him telling me he needs to go, but he usually goes within 5 minutes instead of 40 minutes! Since I think he is starting to to get it a little we have switched our rewards. He still gets a sticker on his sticker chart but instead of getting a prize every time now he gets 5 mini marshmallows instead. I know we still have a ways to go but I am so proud of my little boy!
Eli with his sticker chart

Eli loves the Marshmallow rewards!

While I was emptying the potty one time Jude tried to sit in the base and got stuck!


Beth said...

yay!!!! Go Eli!!

mom2tsgck said...

Potty training IS hard!! None of my boys were trained by 3, but both of the girls were LOL. Something different worked for each one :) He's definitely "getting it" ~ keep up the good work!

Rajean B. said...

I agree...this is hard work. I am to the point now where I take Dallas every hour. He always goes...he just isn't telling me. Yesterday, we went to a toy tractor show (2 hours away). He went in real undies and stayed dry all day! Dallas only wears a pull-up at night for bed. It has been a lot more successful than wearing a pull-up all day - he thought it was just like a diaper. Good luck and keep up the good work Eli!