Baby Jude is 4 months old today!!! He is such a great baby. He loves to play on the floor and look around (as long as it isn't tummy time!), he loves his bouncy seat, he enjoys his swing, and he is the happiest baby. It is so easy to get him to smile! I love it. I have so many adorable pictures of him. He is also an easy baby. He has been a breeze to get on a daily eating schedule. He eats around 8, 12, 4 and 8 each day. For the past few weeks he has been taking his morning naps (about an hour) in his crib. His afternoon naps are either in the bouncy seat or on the floor( 1-2 hours) because Eli is napping in their room. He usually gets a 30-45 minute nap in the evening on my shoulder or in his bouncy seat. He is still my night owl, he is usually up til 10:00 - 10:30, but he sleeps straight through the night until 7:30AM!!! He has been sleeping through the night for the last 4-5 weeks!!!!! This is so much earlier than Eli did! Right now he is still sleeping in the bassinet in our room. We are a little nervous about switching him to his crib only because he will be sharing a room with Eli. We are nervous about the boys waking each other up. We plan on working on this while Mike is off for Christmas break.
Jude at 4 months
My Happy Baby Boy!
I love his dimples!
He isn't the best at lifting his head from his tummy, he hates tummy time
This is his favorite toy to look at on the floor
He constantly moves, this is not how I laid him on the floor!