Thursday, May 14, 2009

It is Official!!

Our house is officially for sale.
They came by today and put the for sale sign in the yard and we have our first open house this Sunday. It is all starting to sink in that we are really going to be moving and I am starting to get a little nervous. I am very excited about moving to Iowa because I know that is what is best for our family right now and I know that Mike is really looking forward to getting his PhD, but right now there is just so much that is up in the air. I hope the house sells quickly and we that we can find the right place for us in Iowa. Then there is the question of when is this little boy going to arrive. It would be perfect if he showed up 3 weeks early like Eli, but we will just have to wait and see. So for now I am just trying not to stress about it! Here are a few pictures of the house.
The Front of the house
Living Room

Living Room/Kitchen

Dining Room/Toy Room

Master Bedroom

The Guest Room

The Office

Upstairs Game Room

Eli's Room
The backyard view
I absolutely love this house and it will be hard to leave it, especially Eli's room. But for now we are just asking for prayers that the house will sell and the rest of this pregnancy goes smoothly!


Irene said...

awww so sad Jenni...Iowa is so far away :( but we know that is what's best for your family and we hope that all goes well with the sale!

Becky said...

Wow looks great, and so clean! I have a very similar kitchen! Looks like a traditional Indian home to me! I'm sure you'll sell in the next 2 months or so!

Katie Bob said...

Jenni...Iowa is not so is where I live!!! What part will you be moving to? When you get out here you should look me up! I like to be the welcoming committee! This state needs more Boilers!

Beth said...

We are sad you guys are leaving!!! Make sure you COME BACK.

Becky said...

Ha did you see the Magic beat Cleveland last night?? Wow what a game! The Magic need all the fans they can get right now, it's going to be a tough/exciting series!