Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Uh Oh!!!!

Eli learned a new trick today, and it isn't a good one. He can now climb the stairs, and he is fast too. In a blink of an eye he is at the stairs. We have always tried to keep him away from the stairs but before it wasn't too big of deal because he couldn't climb them. I guess now we need to bring out the baby gate.


Becky said...

Oh you have a climber, how cute!! I would agree time for the baby gate!!
Thanks for your comments on my blog, i'm actually due 8-10-09. They said i measured a few days early but didn't change my due date.
My husband would really like a boy but i wouldn't mind either, i just want the baby to hurry up and get here!!! Summers are pretty brutal here in Florida, so i just know i'm going to be cranky and hot!!!!

Beth said...

Wow Eli is just TAKING OFF!!! Well Jenni, you've had it easy for a long time - now the FUN toddler stage begins :)

By the way, of course we'll be at Eli's party!

Irene said...

I just caught up on all of your blogs for the new year! I've been so busy! Anyway, Darrin and I are planning on being there for Eli's 1st!! He's getting so big! I miss you guys and can't wait to see you!