Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting Isabel Ready For Bed

Isabel is a pretty good sleeper. On a good night she will sleep 10-11 hours but it isn't 100% consecutive. I have always swaddled her with a light receiving blanket but lately she has become quite the mover that she kicks out of it in no time and then moves all around in her crib. I thought maybe that meant it was time to be done swaddling so a few nights ago I put her down unswaddled. The first night she got up once in the middle of the night. I fed her and got her back to sleep no problem. I didn't think anything of it since she doesn't always sleep through the night. The next night I laid her down unswaddled again and she woke up twice, she hasn't done that in a few months. So I decided to go back to swaddling but now I use a swaddling blanket that velcros. Last night I got her all ready for bed and she slept for almost 11 hours. I hope she likes her new swaddle and continues to sleep like this because I really enjoy sleeping through the night. :-)

Step 1: a fresh diaper and a onesie

Step 2: some light weight jammiesStep 3: All swaddled up

Step 4: All snug in her blanket sleeper
Step 5: I nurse her into slumberland and off to bed she goes
Then in the morning she wakes up happy as can be

1 comment:

Beth said...

She is so so cute! I think she looks just like Eli!