Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Isabel at 17 Months

My sweet baby girl is 17 months old today!  She is a bundle of energy and so much fun and boy can she scream her little heart out. :-)  She is definitely coming into her own little personality and it is exciting seeing the little person she is going to be!  She has such a sweet side where she loves to cuddle and hug and then she has a very stubborn side where she screams and screams when she doesn't get what she wants.  We are currently working on the screaming.  She woke up at 4:00 this morning and wasn't to thrilled about going back to bed, screaming bloody murder at 4:00am is not my idea of a good time.  
In the last few months she has gotten 8 more teeth and is now up to 12!  They have not been to kind to her.  We have had a few rough nights here and there since there were several coming in at once.  She is just getting the 12th tooth right now and is still having a few rough nights.  I am hoping it is just her teeth and not a sleep regression.  I like sleep and she normally sleeps 12 hours.
Isabel has also really started to talk in the last month or so.  For the longest time she was only saying mama and an occasional dada.  There were also a few mumbled sounds that were for certain words but now she has several words that actually sound like the words and then several more that sound close to the words.  Mommy can usually figure out what she is saying.  Some of her favorite words to say are; Jude, Fishy(nemo), Foofa, Minnie, Gabba, eat, more, and nana (banana).  Those words are super clear!  And today at lunch she started screaming and I asked her what she wanted and she said "more nana"!  I was blown away!  It won't be long and she will be jabbering away!  She also has a few favorite friends (stuffed animals).  When I get her up in the morning she has to hand me some friends before I can pick her up.  We always bring down Fishy, Foofa and Minnie but lately we have also been bringing down Plex, Muno, and Brobee. :-) And was ALWAYS have to have her very favorite taggie!  That is an absolute must!
She is still super ornery and quite the climber!  She has officially figured out climbing on the couch.  Now she needs to learn that she has to sit on the couch and there is no climbing on the arm of the couch.  She definitely keep me on my toes.  Isabel, get down! is said several times throughout the day.

Isabel Annette at 17 Months
Still working on some teeth
Posing for pictures in front of the tree
With her little Minnie of course!
She is Ornery for sure!
Love her bright blues!
Such a silly girl!
A few of her favorite friends and her taggie!

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