We finally did it. At 3 years and 3 1/2 months Eli is finally in his big boy bed and he absolutely loves it! For the first time ever he actually asked to go to bed. :-) Hopefully the rest of the night goes well and it is an easy transition for all of us. Right now he is still up there talking but I checked on him and he hadn't moved from his bed. He sure does look adorable in his big boy bed and I only teared up a little. It is extra special because Eli's big boy bed used to be my toddler bed. Well it was either mine or Jackie's but I love that I am able to use this bed with my kiddos. I sure do love this big guy!
My big boy in his big boy bed!

With just a few of his friends!

Jude had to check it out too!

I can't wait to let him show it to Grandma!!
Looks like a great setup! Hopefully he stays in it, too! :)
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