Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Go Pacers!!

Over the weekend we took the boys to their first Pacer's game and they had a blast! Eli has loved Boomer ever since we took the boys to the Pacer's Fan Jam a few months back and he got a stuffed Boomer for Christmas. When we got there we told him he might get to see Boomer again and he was very excited. As we were walking to find our seats we happened to come across Boomer signing autographs! Eli was able to get his autograph and sit on his lap for a picture. It was the highlight of the day!
Eli and Boomer
Eli did great watching the game. We knew he would be really into it, he absolutely loves basketball. I was a little nervous about how Jude would do sitting on my lap but he ended up doing pretty well. He got a little restless at one point but we had packed plenty of snacks to hold him over. The half time show was some dogs catching frisbees and Jude really liked that. Eli preferred the show between the 3rd and 4th quarter where Boomer and his pack came out and used trampolines to jump, flip and dunk! Eli absolutely LOVED this part.
Eli and Daddy watching the game
Jude and Mommy watching the game
Go Boomer!
It was such a fun day and I am so glad that we are able to fun activities like this with the boys! We all had a really good time and Eli is already talking about wanting to go again.

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