Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jude Michael at 16 Months

Yesterday Jude turned 16 months old and I completely forgot about it until today, oops :-( Oh well, at least I happen to take a few cute pictures of him yesterday just for fun :-)

Jude is such a fun boy! He is constantly smiling and it is so so easy to get him to laugh, and his laugh just makes us laugh and then it goes on and on. He absolutely loves his blanket, which he calls butta just like Eli does. He also loves his stuffed animals too but his favorite thing to do is still to sit with us and look at books.

He is starting to talk more and pronounce more words. A lot of his words sound very similar but I can tell what he is trying to stay. One of my favorite things he says now is "Oh Toodles." It is seriously the cutest thing ever!:-)
Jude Michael 16 months
Super silly and cute as can be!
Sweet Brothers (sometimes) :-)

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